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Akashic Records

What are The Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records are essentially a giant energetic database which holds every thought, word, deed and vows of every living being, good, bad, and ugly, in all times; past, present, future.  These are held in a non-physical plane of existence within the etheric realms.

Healing with the Akashic Records helps clear your records of specific energies that are no longer useful and ultimately through this healing, we are healing the ‘Soul’.  It is your intention and energy that are key factors in making this connection and through the heart that you will get the best results. This can result in deep transformational work.

I will gently guide you through a special meditation where you will access your Akashic Records where you can:

  • clear soul contracts that are no longer serving you
  • clear blocks through all previous lives and your present life
  • clear repeating negative patterns from this lifetime and previous lifetimes
  • release old emotional trauma
  • clear Past Lives not serving your highest good and much more!

I have trained in Akashic Record Clearing by the inspirational Adrian Lee and work 1:1, online and in group settings including Wellness Retreats (@rosandroseretreats).

If you’re interested in exploring this further please email: