Weight Management
How hypnotherapy can help you
Hypnosis is a powerful yet safe tool which communicates with the subconscious mind to overcome blocks and achieve positive change. Many people have experienced positive changes in their life, as a result of having used hypnosis in order to change unwanted or limiting behaviours.
“When you change the way you look at things,
the things you look at change” (Dr Wayne Dyer)
Did you know that with traditional weight loss methods, about 95% of people who diet put the weight back on and often more than before they started? There’s an important reason for this – diets make you crave food! Suddenly, the only thing you think about are the very foods you are not supposed to have!
“95% of diets fail and most will regain their lost weight in 1-5 years”
Source: Statistics on Weight Discrimination: A Waste of Talent, The Council on Size and Weight Discrimination, Retrieved July 18, 2011, from (http://www.cswd.org/index.html)
Hypnosis is one of the most natural ways to reduce your weight and can help by:
- Developing a new self-image. See yourself in the future after reducing weight and make that your desired future outcome.
- Learn to be more relaxed about weight reduction and weight management. Stress is often a serious factor in bad diet and comfort eating.
- Positive thinking about weight and changing your relationship with how you view food. Stop worrying about your weight and start looking forward to reducing your weight and achieving your goals.
- Start to feel better about yourself. This will help you to reduce your weight and, of course, by doing this will help you to feel even better about who you are and what you can achieve. The whole thing becomes a very positive cycle. Most people expect to have to reduce their weight in order to feel good about themselves. Interestingly, when you start to feel good about yourself, weight reduction, health and happiness often follow.
If you’re feeling rather bloated and sluggish and want to kick-start looking and feeling good, why not consider trying hypnotherapy to help you feel better about yourself and help reduce your weight? I offer a FREE confidential initial consultation with no obligation to pursue therapy.
Use your mind to transform your body
Please contact Rachel to discuss how therapy can help you to create the life you want.
Please click here to read about Rachel's free initial consultation and subsequent sessions and pricing.