Ros&Rose Retreats
About Us
Sophie Rosalyn & Rachel Rose
Ros&Rose Retreats is a joint venture of two highly experienced holistic teachers and practitioners; Sophie Rosalyn & Rachel Rose who regularly run wellness retreats (including offering bespoke corporate wellbeing events).
It is our passion to share deep healing, nourishing & restorative experiences in safe and comforting spaces with you all. We run half-day and full day retreats plus evenings and if you feel called to attend we would love you to join us. We are also working on hosting longer duration retreats which are residential.
Please note that to ensure that we are able to give you individual care during these experiences, we will limit the number of spaces.
If you would like to subscribe to our newsletter and keep up to date with our retreats then please e-mail Rachel (rachel@positiveexchange.co.uk) to be included on the distribution. You can unsubscribe at any time.
You can follow us on Instagram
@rosandroseretreats @rachelrose.positiveexchange @sophierosalynyoga
Booking via our websites below:
www.positiveexchange.co.uk & www.sophierosalynyoga.co.uk
About Sophie
Sophie is a Hatha Yoga & Yoga Nidra teacher, SUP Yoga teacher and Sound Bath practitioner. She has been practicing Yoga & Meditation for over 20 years and has an interest and studies Buddhist, Mindfulness & Yoga philosophies and practices. Sophie has trained with the British Wheel of Yoga, Bahia Yoga School, Yoga Alliance, Yoga Bugs and Stratford School of Meditation.
About Rachel
Rachel has over 18 years’ experience working as a holistic therapist & 26 years in Reiki Healing. Rachel is a Reiki Master/Teacher & Spiritual Mentor, Akashic Records Facilitator, Cacao Ceremony Facilitator, Animal Reiki Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist & Hypnoanalyst, NLP & EFT Practitioner.
More Practice Information
- What is Hatha Yoga
- What is Yoga Nidra?
- What is Reiki
- What is Hypnotherapy?
- What is a Sound Bath?
- What is a Crystal Harp?
- What is Akashic Record Clearing?

Hatha Yoga is a spiritual, mental & physical practice.
The Hatha Yoga system is made up of several ingredients!
During this practice, we explore asana (postures), pranayama (breath control/extension), dhyana (meditation) and savasana (rest). Hatha Yoga is accessible by all and allows us ways to cultivate, stillness, strength, freedom, ease and growth, physically, mentally and spiritually.

Yoga Nidra (Yogic Sleep) is an ancient, guided meditation practice, where lying down, you will follow my voice and listen to the instructions. No movement is required.
During this practice, the body rests and mind sits in a state between awake and asleep. This is when we make our Sankalpa, a vow to our higher self, resolve or heartfelt intention. Is is a short forward directed statement that can bring about positive changes in our lives. When the mind is resting, it is ready to receive your resolve.
Yoga Nidra is deeply restorative and some of the benefits are:
- A full Yoga Nidra practice is only 25 minutes long, but it can feel like a full night’s sleep!
- It helps to release and unlock tension in the body.
- Clears & relaxes the mind.
- Reduces stress.
- Promotes focus, calm & clear thinking.
- Can support and provide relief from anxiety and depression.
- Soothes the nervous system and aids in a deeper sleep

“Reiki” (pronounced ray-key) is Japanese for ‘universal life energy’, and is a system of natural healing originally developed by Dr Mikao Usui in the early 20th century. It works to restore the body’s natural energy flow, by channelling energy that exists in the universe.
How is it Offered?
Rachel acts as the channel for universal healing.
During Reiki, healing energy is transmitted, through the hands, sometimes with light touch or with hand a short distance from the body to stimulate your own natural healing resources.
How it is Experienced?
Pleasant sensations may be felt, warm & tingling, pulsing or sometimes cooling. You may not feel any sensations. Every experience is unique to the individual and the healing energy is intelligent, moving to wherever it is needed most.
Some of the Benefits
- Soothes pains, supporting the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
- Provides relief from difficult emotional states, stress and anxiety.
- Can help reduce the side effects of chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
- Increases healing & recovery pre and post-surgery.
In some cases, such as terminal illness there can usually be great benefit and enhancement of the quality of life, bringing a sense of peace and acceptance during the time remaining.
How will I Feel?
Most people feel very relaxed and at peace after Reiki treatments, although Reiki can also stir up emotions as part of the healing process.
Reiki is incredibly powerful because it works on all levels; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

This process is powerful because the subconscious mind can create positive changes. Through this communication with the subconscious mind, hypnotherapy can help you to release repressed feelings and negative beliefs that restrict your ability to achieve your potential to live life to the full.
What does it feel like?
There is no universal ‘hypnotised feeling’, because everyone’s experience of hypnosis is different. The general feeling is of a deeply relaxed state and you will be completely aware of your surroundings at all times. You may feel light (or weightless), or you may feel very heavy (as if sinking into your yoga mat). Most people find the experience very calming and relaxing, giving them a sense of peace, comfort and wellbeing.

A sound bath takes place while you are lying or sitting comfortably with plenty of blankets and support. I will then play a range of instruments that are tuned to different frequencies and scales that aim to ease you into a meditative state. Each instrument has a unique sound and will be felt and experienced in different ways to each individual, It is an immersive journey through sound.
During the sound bath I will play crystal singing bowls, tuned to 7 of the major chakras and one that is tuned to the Synodic Moon. You will also hear the tones of sonic energy and zen metal bowls, enchanting elemental Koshi Chimes, fairy-like Meditation Flow Chimes and the deep tones of the Wind Gong.
Allowing the soothing sounds to surround you, you will experience deep nourishing rest on cellular level, leaving you feeling relaxed and replenished.

The mysterious Celtic Moon harp is made from certified 99.8% pure quartz crystal and is tuned to 432hz, a frequency used in specialist sound healing instruments. The scale is D and can encourage a deeper connection with both your emotions and inner wisdom or intuition, it offers you deep relaxation and comfort while it is played. It can be played to a group or individually over the body allowing you to feel not only the sound but the vibrations of the harp directly.
There are only one or two people in the UK with a similar instrument.

The Akashic Records are essentially a giant energetic database which holds every thought, word, deed and vows of every living being, good, bad, and ugly, in all times; past, present, future. These are held in a non-physical plane of existence within the etheric realms.
Healing with the Akashic Records helps clear your records of specific energies that are no longer useful and ultimately through this healing, we are healing the ‘Soul’.
It is your intention and energy that are key factors in making this connection and through the heart that you will get the best results. This can result in deep transformational work.
Rachel will gently guide you through a special meditation where you will access your Akashic Records where you can:
– clear soul contracts that are no longer serving you
– clear blocks through all previous lives and your present life
– clear repeating negative patterns from this lifetime and previous lifetimes
– release old emotional trauma
– clear Past Lives not serving your highest good and much more!
Rachel will also clear any soul contracts and the issues they contain (soul contracts are agreements made before we came to Earth with other souls to learn, grow, heal and learn to let go of). Everything in the clearing is done for the highest good of all.
It is possible to clear anything, if the timing is right, unless there’s something we still need to learn from.
The clearing and healing could be part of a percentage of what needs to be cleared or it could be transformational.