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Full Moon Mini Retreat

Release & Let Go – Full Moon Mini Retreat

Sophie Rosalyn Yoga & Rachel Rose

Ros&Rose Retreats is the joint venture of two experienced Teachers/Practitioners Sophie Rosalyn and Rachel Rose. We are delighted to be running our next Full Moon mini retreat at the beautiful Honeybourne Village Hall, Evesham.

Rachel is a Reiki Master/Teacher & Spiritual Mentor, Animal Reiki Practitioner, Clinical Hypnotherapist & Hypnoanalyst, NLP & EFT Practitioner.

Sophie is a Hatha Yoga & Yoga Nidra Teacher and Sound Bath Practitioner.

Both Sophie & Rachel are passionate to offer you this nurturing, & healing mini retreat in an environment that feels comfortable & safe.

Release & Let Go is an opportunity to slow down and give your body, mind and heart permission to be healed and cared for.

During this mini retreat we will offer & guide you through practices & therapies that aim to release physical, mental & emotional tensions or blockages and provide powerful relaxation and healing on a mental, emotional and cellular level.  This will promote deep rest during the day and beyond!

Practices and Therapies you will receive during the afternoon are as follows:

Hatha Yoga – Guided Angel Meditation – Group Reiki – Yoga Nidra Meditation – Sound Bath Ceremony – Individual Reiki

Further details for each practice/therapy can be found below.  Please contact us if you would like more information.

The schedule for the afternoon is as follows:

  • 2.00-2.15pm  – Welcome & Introductions
  • 2.15-3.15pm  – Hatha Yoga, Guided Pranayama (breathwork), Group Reiki, Guided Angel Meditation
  • 3.15-3.45pm – Break for drink & snack
  • 3.45-4.45pm – Individual Reiki, Guided Full Moon Yoga Nidra Meditation, Sound Bath and Crystal Harp Group/ Individual Sound Healing

Please note that this mini retreat has limited spaces only to ensure you receive individual care from both Rachel & Sophie.  We are looking forward to welcoming you all to this experience.

With love & light

Sophie & Rachel x


More Practice Information

Hatha Yoga is a spiritual, mental & physical practice.

The Hatha Yoga system is made up of several ingredients!

During this practice, we explore asana (postures), pranayama (breath control/extension), dhyana (meditation) and savasana (rest). Hatha Yoga is accessible by all and allows us ways to cultivate, stillness, strength, freedom, ease and growth, physically, mentally and spiritually.

“Reiki” (pronounced ray-key) is Japanese for ‘universal life energy’, and is a system of natural healing originally developed by Dr Mikao Usui in the early 20th century. It works to restore the body’s natural energy flow, by channelling energy that exists in the universe.

How is it Offered?

Rachel acts as the channel for universal healing.

During Reiki, healing energy is transmitted, through the hands, sometimes with light touch or with hand a short distance from the body to stimulate your own natural healing resources.

How it is Experienced?

Pleasant sensations may be felt, warm & tingling, pulsing or sometimes cooling. You may not feel any sensations. Every experience is unique to the individual and the healing energy is intelligent, moving to wherever it is needed most.

Some of the Benefits

  • Soothes pains, supporting the body’s natural ability to heal itself.
  • Provides relief from difficult emotional states, stress and anxiety.
  • Can help reduce the side effects of chemotherapy or radiation therapy.
  • Increases healing & recovery pre and post-surgery.

In some cases, such as terminal illness there can usually be great benefit and enhancement of the quality of life, bringing a sense of peace and acceptance during the time remaining.

How will I Feel?

Most people feel very relaxed and at peace after Reiki treatments, although Reiki can also stir up emotions as part of the healing process.

Reiki is incredibly powerful because it works on all levels; physical, mental, emotional and spiritual.

Yoga Nidra (Yogic Sleep) is an ancient, guided meditation practice, where lying down, you will follow my voice and listen to the instructions. No movement is required.

During this practice, the body rests and mind sits in a state between awake and asleep. This is when we make our Sankalpa, a vow to our higher self, resolve or heartfelt intention. Is is a short forward directed statement that can bring about positive changes in our lives. When the mind is resting, it is ready to receive your resolve.

Yoga Nidra is deeply restorative and some of the benefits are:

  • A full Yoga Nidra practice is only 25 minutes long, but it can feel like a full night’s sleep!
  • It helps to release and unlock tension in the body.
  • Clears & relaxes the mind.
  • Reduces stress.
  • Promotes focus, calm & clear thinking.
  • Can support and provide relief from anxiety and depression.
  • Soothes the nervous system and aids in a deeper sleep

A sound bath takes place while you are lying or sitting comfortably with plenty of blankets and support. I will then play a range of instruments that are tuned to different frequencies and scales that aim to ease you into a meditative state. Each instrument has a unique sound and will be felt and experienced in different ways to each individual, It is an immersive journey through sound.

During the sound bath I will play crystal singing bowls, tuned to 7 of the major chakras and one that is tuned to the Synodic Moon. You will also hear the tones of sonic energy and zen metal bowls, enchanting elemental Koshi Chimes, fairy-like Meditation Flow Chimes and the deep tones of the Wind Gong.

Allowing the soothing sounds to surround you, you will experience deep nourishing rest on cellular level, leaving you feeling relaxed and replenished.